Angel Radiesthesia Spirituality
Angel Radiesthesia Spirituality
Service Description
Radiesthesia with the Divine Consciousness Angels 👼 This technique was channeled by Vanessa Rosa from Brazil to help people elevate their vibrations in a simple and efficient way. Forty-nine graphics were made available for use in this technique which can be conducted by a trained healer either in person or remotely. The one in the picture 👆is graphic #49 - Perfect Health. The benefits of this technique are: 1) Cleansing and harmonization of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies providing balance and wellbeing; 2) Cleansing, harmonization, and balancing of the spine and all chakras, which are points through which energy flows and travels in your body; 3) Cleansing of the physical and energetic body, removing dissonant, poorly qualified energies and/or energies that don’t belong to the person being treated; 4) Harmonization of affective, professional, and family relationships; 5) Transmutation of patterns, fears, blockages, and traumas; 6) Cleansing and harmonizing of illness sources, awakening and enhancing the healing and recovery process leading to healthier individuals; 7) Personal empowerment for prosperity, abundance, love ❤, and a positive outlook on all aspects of life; 8) Attracts and helps with emotional balance, both in dealing with your emotions and even with other people; 9) Brings self-knowledge, a sense of well-being, as well as restoring self-confidence, self-esteem, and energy balance; 10) And much more, through the energies of your Guardian Angel 👼 and the graphics chosen by you. ✨The Radiesthesia of Divine Consciousness Angels 👼 is suitable to people of any age. ✨Radiesthesia can be done privately or in group sessions.
Contact Details
Dauphin, MB, Canada