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Tameana: Deep Vibration Healing
Tameana: Deep Vibration Healing
1 h1 Dauphin
65 dólares canadienses
65 CAD
Descripción del servicio
The sacred triangle or Salush Nahí, a technique that was said to come from the stars🌟 in the old Lemuria. ✨TAMEANA works as a portal that makes us understand the reciprocal interrelation of everything. ✨TAMEANA works with quartz crystals 💎 which invokes on us the desire to reach plenitude, stimulating a process of change in various levels. ✨After a TAMEANA session you’ll feel that life flows on you as a small reflection 🪞of the Universe. ✨A session takes approximately 1 hour and can be conducted in person or online.
Datos de contacto
Dauphin, MB, Canada
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